R. Pereira
The resistance evaluation: Effects of a specific training program on professional fire-fighter cardio-respiratory fitness
[abstract in english]
P.J. Mourão, F.J. Gonçalves
A Avaliação da Composição Corporal: A Medição de Pregas
Adiposas como Técnica para a Avaliação da Composição
[abstract in english]
P.J. Mourão, F.J. Gonçalves
A Utilização dos Membros Superiores nos Saltos
Verticais: Estudo Comparativo entre um Salto sem
Contra-movimento sem a Utilização dos Membros Superiores
e um Salto sem Contra-movimento com a Utilização Dos
Membros Superiores
[abstract in english]
P.J. Mourão, F.J. Gonçalves
Treino Proprioceptivo na Prevenção e Reabilitação de
Lesões nos Jovens
[abstract in english]
M.L. Domingues
Pressupostos de Validação de um Questionário de
Avaliação Psicossocial
[abstract in english]
P.J. Mourão, F.J. Gonçalves
Avaliação Táctica no Voleibol: O posicionamento
defensivo e zonas vulneráveis em função da zona do
ataque adversário no 5º jogo da fase final do Play-Off
Divisão A1
[abstract in english]
P.J. Mourão, F.J. Gonçalves
The muscular flexibility training and the range of movement improvement: A critical literature
[abstract in english]
L.F. Coelho
Body composition, VO2max and the lifestyle of young students of the higher
[abstract in english]
J.M. Leal, T.G. Calvo, P.A. Miguel, R.M. Antúnez, E.C.
Ficha de Observação/Avaliação Motora: Ficha para
verificação da qualidade de jogo dos alunos do 3º ciclo
do Ensino Básico, nos Jogos Desportivos Colectivos
[abstract in english]
P.J. Mourão, F.J. Gonçalves, A. Aranha
Avaliação/Classificação da Disciplina “Seminário”:
Métodos e Técnicas de Avaliação, estudo realizado no
curso de Desporto da UTAD
[abstract in english]
F.J. Gonçalves, A. Aranha
R. Pereira
Validade da medida do consumo máximo de oxigênio predito
pelo teste de Cooper de 12 minutos em adultos jovens
E.C. Costa
Motivations of adherence to the practise of academy gymnastic
[abstract in english]
K.F. Rocha
Obesidade Infantil, Actividade Física e Sedentarismo em
crianças do 1ºciclo do ensino básico da cidade de
Bragança (6 a 9 anos)
[abstract in english]
L.F. Campos, J.M.Gomes, J.C. Oliveira
Growth of 6- to 10-years-old children from Viana do Castelo, Portugal
[abstract in english]
L.P. Rodrigues, P. Bezerra, L. Saraiva
The practice of physical activity: A comparative study among UNICAMP (State University of
Campinas, Brazil) graduating students
[abstract in english]
M.G. Salve
Acute changes in creatine kinase serum levels in adults submitted a static stretching and
maximal strength test
[abstract in english]
E.P. César, M.G. Bara Filho, J.R. Lima, F.J. Aidar, E.H.
Stretch influence on pre-competitive stress on juvenile soccer players
[abstract in english]
J.A. Leme, R.A. Barberi, K.J. Curiacos, P.V. Rogatto
The muscular flexibility training and the range of movement improvement: A critical
literature review
[abstract in english]
L.F. Coelho
Variability of characteristics physiologic and anthropometric in practitioners of rugby in function of the category and position of game:
Systematic revision of literature
[abstract in english]
F.M. Campos
Changes on shoulders flexibility with detraining: A case report
[abstract in english]
L.C. Ruberti, G. Christofoletti, R. Gonçalves, S. Gobbi
Estudo comparativo da organização das escolas de natação
- três casos versus três parâmetros do processo
A.C. Santos, J. Gonçalves, R.G. Pereira
Some considerations about sport ethics
[abstract in english]
C.M. Moreira, G.D. Pestana
R. Pereira
Golfe: os hábitos alimentares dos jogadores seniores
A.P. Ferreira de Brito, R.G. Pereira
Ankylosing spondylitis: The physical exercise as a form of rehabilitation and promoter of
quality of life
[abstract in english]
R.M. Costa, M.D. Monteagudo
O método Mézières ou a revolução na ginástica
ortopédica: o manifesto anti-desportivo ou a nova
metodologia de treino
L. Coelho
Skin fold: Localization and procedures
[abstract in english]
A.F. Machado
Evaluation of the effects of training in children practicing field soccer from Mangueira
olympic center
[abstract in english]
M.N. Portal, J.B. Silva, A. Saraiva, G.C. Monte Júnior,
L.G. Chaves, A.M. Amaral Neto, A.J. Silva, E.H. Dantas
Behavior of the ion magnesium in triathlon half-ironman competition
[abstract in english]
M. Bürger-Mendonça
Demonstration and mental practice in the acquisition of the motor skills
[abstract in english]
F.S. Fonseca, M.B. Siqueira, A.T. Bruzi, J.V. Fialho, H.
Ugrinowitsch, R.N. Benda
The influence of the training of resistance and the aerobic training on the hormonal concentrations of testosterone and cortisol
[abstract in english]
M.R. Araújo
Analyze of the ball possession during the offensive process in indoor soccer: Contribute to determine the collective efficiency
[abstract in english]
R. Duarte
Is sport an illusory wellfare on the subject?
[abstract in english]
R. Rodrigues
Physical educators of the consumption?
[abstract in english]
A.B. Garcia
R. Pereira
Physical exercise, salivary IgA and mood states of elderly people
[abstract in english]
R. Martins, F. Rosado, M.R. Cunha, M. Martins, A.M.
Maximum oxygen uptake and sexual maturity of children and adolescents
[abstract in english]
R.J. Silva, E.L. Petroski
Cardiorespiratory resistance profile in elderly women with overweight in SESC of Nova Friburgo/Rio de Janeiro - Brazil of physical activity program
[abstract in english]
H.L. Furtado, F.D. Pereira, M.H. Moreira, E.H. Dantas
Contribution beverages for hydration before, during and after physical activity in university
[abstract in english]
C.A. Ferreira, J.A. Santos, L. Kent-Smith, I.S. Salcedo
Development and validation of equation of prediction the load of work for training with weights in the bench press exercises, for men of intermediate level
[abstract in english]
M.L. Lima, J. Fernandes Filho, E.H. Dantas, P.R.
Fernandes, F.J. Aidar, V.M. Reis
Characteristics genotipics and fenotipics in athletics sprinters
[abstract in english]
L.C. Santos, P.M. Dantas, J. Fernandes Filho
Breathing frequency along the 400 m free style: Association with practice
[abstract in english]
O. Meira, V.M. Reis, A.J. Silva, A.L. Carneiro, A.M.
Reis, F.J. Aidar
Somatotype and anthropometry in Brazilian national volleyball teams
[abstract in english]
B.G. Cabral, S.A. Cabral, G.R. Batista, J. Fernandes
Filho, M.I. Knackfuss
Physical education, study of 3º the education in the towns of Torre de Moncorvo and
Vila Nova de Gaia
[abstract in english]
R.G. Pereira, J.L. Soidán
The strict liability principle in antidoping rules and the human rights of athletes:
An approach critical
[abstract in english]
R.C. Cunha, R.A. Nunes, G.S. Novaes, M.I. Knackfuss,
H.F. Miranda, F.I. Cavalcanti